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Mike Ball Dive Expeditions shark at North Horn

Shark Safety

Be shark smart


Did you know that sharks can replace a lost tooth naturally in just one day? Getting up close with sharks on the Great Barrier Reef is a bucket-list activity for many divers. Species commonly seen are the white tip reef shark, grey reef shark and the silver tip shark which can be up to 1.8 metres in length. The white tip has between 80 and 100 rows of teeth!

Mike Ball Dive Expeditions, have specialised in shark diving for many decades, offering passive shark attraction and shark feeding dives in the Coral Sea Marine Park, at Osprey Reefs ‘North Horn’ dive site. Up to 60 sharks attend their feeds where divers can safely view the spectacular ‘feeding frenzy’ for 2-3 minutes within a distance of approximately 6-7 metres.

It is important to note sharks will not attack humans in the water by mere presence and do not recognise humans as a food source. Attacks are very rare and generally only occur when safe swimming practice recommendations are ignored, particularly relevant when sea conditions have either low light or low visibility.

The Queensland Government has suspended its Shark Control Program in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Everyone can be ‘Shark Smart’ by following these safe swimming practices:

  • Don’t swim at dawn or dusk
  • Always swim in clear water (not in murky water, busy anchorages, estuary mouths or canals)
  • Don’t throw food scraps or fish waste overboard (including in anchorages or where people are swimming)
  • Don’t swim where fish are being cleaned
  • Swim, surf, snorkel or dive with a buddy
  • Follow local signage and swim between the flags at patrolled beaches.

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