Things to do

Bird Watching Atherton Tablelands

Calling all Twitchers

The wetlands and grassland of the Atherton Tablelands is a birdwatcher’s delight. Some of the most exotic birds are found in the ancient Wet Tropics Rainforest. You may even spot birds that are endemic to this region, including the golden bowerbird, the bridled honeyeater, the Australian king parrot and the boobook owl. Located 10 minutes out of Atherton, Hasties Swamp National Park is home to over 220 diverse species of birds. Observe the birds from the comfort of the two-storey bird hide, using the signs as a guide to species identification. The park’s wetland environment varies with the season, the Best birdwatching time is during the dry season (April to October) when the swamp dries out and the area becomes an important refuge for waterbirds. Other birds to keep an eye out for include vibrantly coloured kingfishers and the endangered southern cassowary, which grows up to two metres in height.

lagoon at Jabiru Safari Lodge near Mareeba

Close encounters of the bird kind

From kingfishers to cassowaries, meet out eye-catching feathered friends.

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